
Best foods to help you sleep

Have you heard the saying ‘if you love someone let them sleep.’ Sleep is such an important factor at keeping us happy and healthy, especially for charity runners who have signed up to for charity runs. However so many of us aren’t getting enough sleep. Yawn! 

If you feel like you are not getting enough sleep, don’t worry you are not the only one because nearly 40% of people are not getting the standard eight hours of sleep which is recommended by health care professionals. Society today offers so many distractions from sleep: social media, Netflix, or late nights out on the town. 

Not getting enough of the good sleep stuff can have serious effects on health and moods. When you decided to run for charity we understand that you will have set yourself for a busy schedule so it is in your best interest t make sure you get quality sleep. 

Great news is that a proper diet has an extremely positive impact on your sleep patterns. impact on your sleep. Look for slumber-inducing foods

3 Top nutrients for a charity runner’s perfect sleep:

1. Increase calcium intake: calcium is uber –important slumber inducing hormone called melatonin and also serotonin which helps regulate moods. Calcium can be found in the below foods:   

  • seeds
  • nuts
  • dairy products
  • soy products
  • Nuts and seeds, especially almonds, hazelnuts and sesame seeds

2.  Up the Potassium: a muscle relaxer that is great for digestion too. Not enough potassium can lead to muscle spasms and also cramps so ensure you munch on plenty:

  • Bananas
  • Beans
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms

3. Maintain Mighty Magnesium levels: a super-mineral required for the best quality sleep useful for relaxing your brain and body. It’s a mighty fine muscle relaxant and plays an important role in keeping your heart- beat regular. You can indulge in:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Green vegetables
  • Porridge
  • Avocados
  • Wholemeal rice
Best foods to help you sleep