When You Wish Upon A Star(Registration Number : 1060963)

Edinburgh Half Marathon - Edinburgh Running Festival

Date: 25th May 2025

Minimum Age: 18

Edinburgh EH8 9BL

Come and be part of Scotland's BIGGEST running festival!

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Edinburgh Half Marathon - Edinburgh Running Festival

A child’s Wish is about creating a moment in time, giving our families something to look forward to through times of uncertainty and often financial as well as emotional strain, a chance to put illnesses to one side and enjoy time together as a family and creating precious magical memories that will last a lifetime.

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Register for Edinburgh Half Marathon - Edinburgh Running Festival

You will be charged £130.00 (£125.00 + Booking Fee) for your place.

Full Name *

Email Address *

Contact Number *

Post Code *

Date of Birth *

Gender *

Credit/Debit Cardholder Name *

Credit/Debit Card Details *

Total Cost

You will be charged £130.00 (£125.00 + Booking Fee) for your place
Only click on the Register button once.
Do not exit this page until the transaction completes OR you are redirected to another page.