The Oli Leigh Trust(Registration Number : 1188968)

The Brighton Marathon

Date: 06th Apr 2025

Minimum Age: 18

Preston Park, Brighton, BN1 6SD

The Brighton Marathon is one of the UK's favourite 26.2-milers. With a stunning backdrop of the sea in one of the country's most vibrant cities, the race gets bigger and better every year. Renowned for its buzzing atmosphere and roaring crowd support, the course winds through the city streets, finishing up on the spectacular Brighton seafront. The marathon is just one part of the Brighton Marathon Weekend, an event that also encompasses The Mini Mile Races, the BM10k and the Brighton Marathon Exhibition.

The Brighton Marathon

The Oli Leigh Trust was set up after its founder Michelle Leigh lost her teenage son to suicide. Michelle is a Mummy on a Mission. Her mission is to make suicide prevention training a core subject in educational settings and anywhere where young people are represented. The Oli leigh Trust is a teenage suicide prevention and mental wellbeing trust that raises funds and delivers our suicide prevention training programme, The Oli leigh Legacy Programme. We also make grants to other small organisations that can deliver suicide prevention and mental wellbeing training aimed at reducing the rate of suicide amongst young people. We believe that suicide is preventable not inevitable and that by providing training in schools, colleges, sporting clubs, workplaces, places of worship, etc we can give our young people of today the tools and resilience they need to overcome any mental health challenges they may face in their lives.

Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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