Sumatran Orangutan Society

Great Birmingham Run Half Marathon

Date: 05th May 2024

Minimum Age: 17

Pershore Road, Birmingham

The AJ Bell Great Birmingham Run is the Midlands’ biggest and best running event, with thousands of Brummie runners taking to the streets every year to challenge themselves and raise cash for charity. There’s everything you’d expect from a Great Run – notorious start line hype, top on-route entertainment and an event village that feels more like an after party – but the carnival atmosphere and the passion and spirit of the runners is all Birmingham. Expect inspiring sights, iconic landmarks and incredible support all along the 10k and half marathon route.

Great Birmingham Run Half Marathon

Northern Sumatra’s rainforests are irreplaceable. They are some of the most important forests on the planet, home to rare Tapanuli & Sumatran orangutans and other precious species. Supporting thousands of forest-edge communities, these ecosystems are key in the global fight against climate change.
Our mission is to protect orangutans, their forests and their future. We aim to do this via our three goals:
PROTECT - We work to keep existing rainforests secure and stable, ensuring a home for Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutans to enable their existing communities to thrive.
CONNECT - We work to create “”corridors”" between fragmented areas of rainforest so that groups of orangutans are not isolated from each other.
REWILD - We work to help degraded rainforest landscapes to recover by healing the land and planting a diverse range of trees and other fauna, creating even more space for orangutans to thrive.

Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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