SOS Silence of Suicide(Registration Number : 1175795)•
Crystal Palace Half Marathon - December
Date: 14th Dec 2025
Minimum Age: 17
Crystal Palace Parade, London Se19, UK
Come and run a 5k,10k or Half Marathon with us at Crystal Palace Park located in the South-East London suburb of Crystal Palace.
The park is situated on the Norwood Ridge, offering views of Central London, Greenwich and the North Downs. This undulating route in the beautiful park is the perfect opportunity for a fun morning run, even passing a few dinosaurs along the course! This is also our second half marathon at Crystal Palace so come and join us for a brand new RunThrough route!
We are a suicide prevention and emotional wellbeing service. We are here for anyone who is struggling emotionally for whatever reason. We're a tiny charity with a huge heart. If you're over 12 years of age you can call us on 0808 115 1505 for support. Help us drive compassion and reduce stigma.