National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS)

Cowman Aquabike

Date: 04th Aug 2024

Emberton Country Park, Olney Rd, Emberton, Olney MK46 5FJ

Cowman Aquabike - 1.9KM / 90KM 

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Cowman Aquabike

Axial SpA is an inflammatory disease of the spine and joints. Inflammation where muscles attach to the bones, causes extreme pain. If left untreated, it can permanently fuse bones together.

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Registration Fee


Register for Cowman Aquabike

By registering your interest for this event you will be asked to pay for the place you have selected. All charities are required to pay for places in the top events in the country and some charities do not have the money to pay for them in advance. The payment you are asked to make will directly correspond to the amount that your charity is required to pay. Thank you for your support.

You will be charged £70.72 (£68.00 + Booking Fee) for your place.

Full Name *

Email Address *

Contact Number *

Post Code *

Credit/Debit Cardholder Name *

Credit/Debit Card Details *

Total Cost

You will be charged £70.72 (£68.00 + Booking Fee) for your place
Only click on the Register button once.
Do not exit this page until the transaction completes OR you are redirected to another page.