Lia’s Wings, formerly known as Lucy Air Ambulance for Children, was established in 2010 in response to an urgent need for an air transfer service for critically ill children. Initially we were run completely by volunteers who were passionate about helping babies and children access specialist treatment and care.
We completed our first ever transfer in 2011. We flew Benjamin 170 miles from the University of Staffordshire Hospital in Stoke-on-Trent to Kingston Hospital in Surrey, so that he could receive neonatal care closer to home. This was a huge milestone for our charity.
Since Ben’s transfer, our charity has significantly grown the number of transfers we do each year and increased the variety of specialist services we provide. Our charity has established a strong reputation for flying babies and children to hospitals in the UK and, increasingly, from abroad. We are here for the whole family for as long as they need us to ensure improved outcomes for both the child and their support network.
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