Lia's Wings

300ft Windsor Bungee Jump - October 19

Date: 19th Oct 2024

Minimum Age: 14

Deadline: 31st Jul 2024

Bray Lake Watersports, Monkey Island Lane, Windsor Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2EB

Our Windsor/Bray venue is UK Bungee Club's flagship location as well as the most visited site from jumpers all round the UK. Taking place lakeside at Bray Lake Watersports Centre, our Windsor/Bray venue offers stretching views across the pristine lake and miles upon miles of rolling countryside. Situated, to the west of London, this venue offers one of the best venues to experience a bungee jump along with a fantastic location to enjoy a weekend away.

300ft Windsor Bungee Jump - October 19

Lia’s Wings is a national charity that provides hospital air transfers for children. We ensure that babies and critically ill children can access specialist treatment and care, wherever they are in the UK.
Since our inception in 2010, our charity has established a strong reputation for flying babies and children to hospitals in the UK and, increasingly, from abroad. We work in partnership with air ambulance providers and NHS transport teams throughout the UK to provide this vital bed to bed service, using aeroplanes. We provide funding, state-of-the-art medical equipment and training for medical staff, to ensure transformational outcomes for children and their families. We are proud that as a result of our air transfers children have been discharged from long hospital stays, overcome diseases like cancer, and received a diagnosis which finally enables their family to gain new support from disease/disability specific organisations.
Alongside our air transfers, we provide holistic care for the whole family to ensure improved outcomes for both the child and their support network. Each family referred to Lia’s Wings receives bespoke support that caters for the individual needs of their child and their family’s circumstances. ​Our support continues for as long as each family needs us.

Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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