Hope for Communities(Registration Number : 1180747)

Leeds Marathon 2024

Date: 12th May 2024

Minimum Age: 18

Leeds LS1 2QS

Former Leeds Rhinos player Rob Burrow was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in December 2019. Since then, Rob and his family have campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness and funds to support other families living with MND.

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Leeds Marathon 2024

Hope for Communities is a UK-registered charity working in the Kurdish Region of Northern Iraq.
We have various projects which all have the aim of providing sustainable investment into communities with a view to restoring hope. We began working in 2018 and have responded to a number of needs, the first is a community centre in a refugee/displaced community where we teach English (as requested by the community) and provide the children with a safe space to come and have fun and grow in confidence. We also run regular weekly projects in local government orphanages where we take the children out for trips, we play games, do crafts and invest time into the children’s lives.
We also have a community hub which seeks to serve the local community, but also as it functions as a coffee shop, it is a place where we can run an apprenticeship/mentorship programme for young people who are leaving the government care system and would otherwise have no employment opportunities or support.

Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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