Drayton Manor Resort, Near Tamworth, Staffordshire B78 3TW
Join us for the first ever Drayton Manor 5k & 10k! Run around the rides and rollercoasters inside the fantastic Drayton Manor Resort, including the Accelerator, Stormforce 10, Thomas Land and the Zoo! Following the race, you will be first in line to make full use of the rides within the park with Theme Park access included in your race entry!
"Simply put, we love rhinos! Our aim is to help the species survive at sustainable levels in their natural habitat. Rhino have been on the planet for 50 million years, and have evolved into their current form throughout that time as the environment and their habitat has changed. They now face their biggest challenge as man restricts their natural habitat and kills them for their horn. They are perhaps symbolic of a struggle between man and the natural world. We aim to help the species survive for future generations, this means that we favour projects that support the development of sustainable populations."