At everyFAMILY. we believe in supporting all families. We know that families are all different and there is not a one size fits all package of support. We tailor our work to reflect this providing support from early years education, family support and a wide range of community groups. We hope to reduce isolation, provide financial support, and be simply a helping hand to families when they need it. Our mission is to empower families for life.
We specialise in Supporting Children Affected by Parental Offending. Having a parent in prison is recognised as one of the 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) known to have a significant impact on children and it is estimated it affects 312,000 children in England and Wales. Last year we trained 148 professionals who work directly with children around how to support families affected by parental offending. We provide parenting support within the prisons to maintain family ties which research shows reduces later reoffending.
Last year EveryFAMILY supported over a 1000 people through our range of services. 97% of the parents attending our groups say they feel happier after attending everyFAMILY. 80% feel less isolated and 78% feel more confident as a parent.