Dougie Mac(Registration Number : 1071613)

Run Alton Towers Kids Spectator - Saturday

Date: 16th Nov 2024

Minimum Age: 1

Farley Ln, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4DB, UK

Spectator Ticket ONLY

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Run Alton Towers Kids Spectator - Saturday

Dougie Mac provides all hospice services free of charge to over 3,000 adults, young adults and children facing a life-limiting illness each year in North Staffordshire, as well as providing support to their families and carers.
We help people living with cancer and non-cancer illnesses for example; neurological conditions, motor neurone disease and dementia.
The hospice is committed to expanding and improving its services both at the hospice and in families own homes; always striving to deliver excellent care so people in the local community have the very best quality of life, when they need it most.
75% of the hospice's running costs are generated from donated funds thanks to the generosity of our local community.

Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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