Crosslight Advice(Registration Number : 1163306)


Date: 02nd Apr 2023

Minimum Age: 17

Deadline: 27th Feb 2023

Preston Park, Brighton, BN1 6SD

The BM10k allows those who prefer a shorter distance the opportunity to experience the amazing atmosphere and roaring crowds of Brighton Marathon Weekend. The fast, flat course winds through the iconic city centre before finishing on the seafront, where runners can celebrate with friends and family in the Event Village and enjoy live screens, food, bars and of course, deck chairs!


We work with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in society through our programmes providing comprehensive debt & benefit advice, building financial resilience through money education and budgeting coaching, and mentoring clients with open-ended holistic support.
Every day we see individuals and families who have been broken by their circumstances, be that illness, bereavement, loss of employment, mental health problems or family breakdown. Through circumstances that any of us would struggle to deal with, they have found themselves facing the prospect of being evicted from their home, struggling to keep the power on, or unable just to meet their basic day-to-day

Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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