CRIBS International(Registration Number : 1173021)

Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris

Date: 09th Mar 2025

Minimum Age: 18

Rue de Lyon 75012 Paris, France

The Paris Half Marathon is one of the best overseas half marathons for UK runners to take part in!

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Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris

At CRIBS International, we house and support refugee women in their final trimester of pregnancy or those with newborns who have arrived in Greece after fleeing conflict and exploitation. We provide assistance during the first 12 months of a baby’s life to ensure women can bring up their children in a safe, supportive space all while giving them time to plan their next steps.

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Register Your Interest

Registrations for this event are not currently open, but we would love for you to take part for us when they reopen. Please register and we will inform you about next year's event details as soon as they are released.

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