CMV Action(Registration Number : 1171773)

Drayton Manor 5K

Date: 06th Apr 2025

Minimum Age: 15

Drayton Manor Resort, Near Tamworth, Staffordshire B78 3TW

Join us for the first ever Drayton Manor 5k & 10k! Run around the rides and rollercoasters inside the fantastic Drayton Manor Resort, including the Accelerator, Stormforce 10, Thomas Land and the Zoo! Following the race, you will be first in line to make full use of the rides within the park with Theme Park access included in your race entry!

Drayton Manor 5K

CMV Action is the only UK charity offering advice and support to families affected by congenital CMV (cCMV). We are able to put families in touch with each other who may be facing similar issues or live nearby.CMV can pose serious problems to unborn babies if a woman catches it during pregnancy. In fact congenital CMV is one of the most common non-genetic cause of inner ear hearing loss and a major cause of childhood disability. Despite this, there is very little awareness of CMV and the facts are often misunderstood. 10 babies are born each day in the UK with CMV and 2 or 3 of these babies will have long-term problems – that is 1000 babies every year. We do not receive any government funding and it costs our charity £20,000 a year to help and support families affected by CMV.

Register for Drayton Manor 5K

You will be charged £36.40 (£35.00 + Booking Fee) for your place.

Full Name *

Email Address *

Contact Number *

Post Code *

Date of Birth *

Gender *

Credit/Debit Cardholder Name *

Credit/Debit Card Details *

Total Cost

You will be charged £36.40 (£35.00 + Booking Fee) for your place
Only click on the Register button once.
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