

Lynch Syndrome UK aims to ensure that for the public benefit, people and their families affected by Lynch Syndrome are provided with support in the form of information, signposting, and listening, also to increase public awareness of the syndrome, educating members of the public and healthcare professionals. Our vision is that all people affected by Lynch Syndrome in the UK have access to standardised screening, thus enabling prevention of the development of cancer and early diagnosis enabling survival. Lynch Syndrome UK is an all-volunteer organisation and is founded and governed by Lynch Syndrome survivors and their families. The charity is dedicated toward protecting families and saving the lives of those at high risk for a hereditary genetic predisposition to various cancers which often strike at an early age. If diagnosed early, we believe Lynch Syndrome survivors have positive outcomes that enhance survival, longevity, and quality of life as well as the emotional well-being of those of us who are affected by Lynch Syndrome. The charity’s aim is to be the leading source of information and support for individuals and families affected by Lynch Syndrome in the UK

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