Our key activities are flying deserving kids at home, shipping humanitarian goods by air to charities operating overseas and, through our international partners, an association with the operation of humanitarian flights in Africa.
At home we organise what we call our Smiling Wings Days where every summer throughout the UK we work closely with flying clubs to invite up to 500 deserving children to their local airport for the day and take them on a short flight.
AWB has a long experience of handling air cargo and we assist and support other NGOs to ship humanitarian supplies overseas. Over the years we have supported a number of charitable organisations, big and small, including the Refugee Agency, International Health Partners and Lifewater, who distribute free water purifying kits in Uganda.
AWB is also a member of an international organisation of similar aviation charities in 10 countries, including the UK, called Aviation sans Frontières International (ASF International). Our French colleagues operate two Cessna 208 aircraft, one in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the other in the Central African Republic (CAR).