Autism Hampshire(Registration Number : 288141)

Royal Parks Half Marathon

Date: 12th Oct 2025

Minimum Age: 17

Deadline: 02nd May 2025

Hyde Park, London

This is the most spectacular half marathon that central London has to offer - it is a unique and inspiring event. 

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Royal Parks Half Marathon

Autism Hampshire is a local charity that works with autistic people, families, and organisations across Hampshire. Through our understanding of autism, we provide high quality services to support the diverse needs of autistic people.This includes an Information, Advice & Guidance team, Supported Living Services, Community Groups for autistic adults, Specialist Mentoring, Training & Consultancy, as well as other projects. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people communicate / interact with others and see the world around them; autistic people have said that the world, to them, is a mass of people, places and events which they struggle to make sense of, and which can cause them considerable anxiety. It is estimated that around 1.76% of the UK population are autistic. It is our VISION create a better future for autistic people.

Register for Royal Parks Half Marathon

You will be charged £175.19 (£168.45 + Booking Fee) for your place.

Full Name *

Email Address *

Contact Number *

Post Code *

Date of Birth *

Gender *

Credit/Debit Cardholder Name *

Credit/Debit Card Details *

Total Cost

You will be charged £175.19 (£168.45 + Booking Fee) for your place
Only click on the Register button once.
Do not exit this page until the transaction completes OR you are redirected to another page.